"I had the privilege of working with Lizi for several months. The work with her made a tremendous
impact that is reflected inside out, both on the personal and professional level. Lizi helped me uncover limiting beliefs and identify situations that triggered me... I learned to reframe situations, get healthier perspectives; I've learned to accept myself and to gradually develop the belief and confidence that
I'm good enough. I've learned to set boundaries and to show up as my true self. I am immensely grateful to Lizi for all her support and for an invaluable journey that will always have a special place in my heart."

You could look at your life from new and fresh perspectives?
You could uncover the thoughts and behaviors that are keeping you from living your life at its fullest?
You could allow yourself to redefine your values and life purpose, and live in alignment with whom you meant to be?
You could create an empowering vision of your future and make it happen?
Coaching will help you understand where you are now, where do you want to be and move into action. While asking powerful and challenging questions, I will encourage and support you to discover the next steps needed to achieve your goals. You will learn to identify the sources of your distress, lack of fulfillment or joy. As my client, you are in charge of the agenda. As your coach, I will provide a safe place for you to show up and thrive.
I will support you in your journey with a personalized and non-judgmental approach. You will grow in your ability to identify the sources of your challenge and to increase your sense of self-acceptance and self -compassion.
You’ll own your strengths and get in touch with what really matters to you.

In today's world, we are called to redefine, manage and navigate relationships in new ways, making this at times very challenging. Coaching will provide you with a new awareness about the way you want to show up in your relationships, en-suring you create meaningful ones.

Parenting can be the most joyful and gratifying experience in life. At the same time, we are living in a fast-paced world, in which we are called to learn new tools to communicate and support our children through their development stages.

Learning to identify, understand and manage our emotions in a positive and effective way can have an immense impact on our personal and professional life. Coaching can support you to improve communication and relationships and resolve life challenges.

People react to transitions in different ways. For many, transitions may be stressful and debilitating; having a coach can help us discover our strengths, so we embrace the transition as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, looking at our feeling during the transition with acceptance and love.

Life fulfillment happens when we allow ourselves to connect with our values, our vision, and our gifts. Working with a coach will allow you to hear the wisdom of your inner voice and have the courage and the tenacity to fulfill your life.

Life is very dynamic, the world that we live in is constantly changing, opening the opportunity for us to grow and evolve in many aspects of our lives, including professionally. Coaching provides a space where you can explore and dream about a variety of options and opportunities for growth that you never thought possible before.

From a very early age, we are expected to follow rules and fulfill certain expectations to be accepted and feel that we belong. It is not always easy to connect to those expectations, and this experience awakens feelings of inadequacy, confusion and low self-esteem. Working with a Coach allows you to connect to your truth, your beliefs and start living a life in which you’ll feel alive and connected
Sometimes life surprises us with unexpected situations, circumstances that shake our sense of security, belonging, inner peace, balance, clarity, and safety, and we feel lost. Working with a Coach provides an opportunity to connect with our feelings and explore possibilities and perspectives that can support us in our process to overcome our new reality and grow.

There are many benefits that coaching can offer to you:
Focus. Coaching is about YOU! It's a powerful process, which focuses on the present moment helping you to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
Clarity. In our meetings, we'll uncover your core values, beliefs, feelings, behaviors, and patterns that are holding you back from living life at its fullest.
Action. Our coaching relationship will help you move into action. While asking powerful and challenging questions, I'll encourage and support you to discover the next steps you need to follow to achieve your goals. You will get homework to keep you accountable throughout the process.
My Coaching approach will allow you to continuously live your life according to your values and your truth, so you find fulfillment in life.

We all have very busy lives. We are constantly doing, performing, working, driving our kids to/from/after school, etc...
We have a hard time giving ourselves permission to stop, pause and have "ME TIME". Pausing allows us to reflect.

Given the opportunity to pause, this is time for you to connect with what you are feeling, to learn about you!!! To connect with those parts of you that are looking to be taken care of. Time to explore your needs and wants, your values, your life. Giving yourself this opportunity will allow you to go to the next step.

The moment that you will shift, change, improve, challenge the things that no longer work for you, release the things that you don’t need or want in your life, beliefs that are keeping you from living the life you dream about.

The coaching process is challenging and empowering, allowing you to create a new relationship with yourself and with others. The ultimate outcome is learning how to live in alignment with your values, therefore, living a more fulfilling life.
In our sessions, you will have the opportunity to pause, explore new perspectives and learn techniques that will allow you to connect with your true self and decide how you want to live your best life.
Copyright 2018 Lizi Oceransky Coaching | | Design by Mandy Paysse