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Brene Brown, Rising Strong, The Daring Way, TedTalk

Rising Strong™

Rising Strong™ is based on the physics of vulnerability:  if we were brave enough, often enough, we would fall more often.   But that's not the only option. The power to write a daring new ending depends on owning our stories and understanding the process of what it takes to get back up.


Struggle can be our greatest call to courage and the clearest path to a wholehearted life. If you want to learn how to transform your story of struggle to one of bravery, then this experience is for you!


This curriculum is based on the research of Brené Brown and builds on her research from Daring Greatly™ and her curriculum from The Daring Way™. 


The goal of the Rising Strong™ process is to rise from our falls, overcome our mistakes, and face hurt in a way that brings more wisdom and wholeheartedness. 

The core of the process involves:

The Reckoning: Walking into our Story-Getting Curious

The Rumble: Owning our Story-Getting Honest with Ourselves

The Revolution: Process Becomes Practice-Writing our own New Ending


“All revolutions start with a new vision of what’s possible. Our vision is that we can rise from our experiences of hurt and struggle in a way that allows us to live more wholehearted lives.  However, transforming the way we live, love, parent, and work requires us to act on our vision: The Rising Strong™ process is nowhere near as powerful as the Rising Strong™ practice. The revolution starts when we own and embody what lives at the heart of rising strong – the story rumble – in our everyday lives.” [ Brené Brown ]

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