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Transitions, Change, Change Management, Self Discovery


In simplest terms, transition is change. In a broader sense, transitions are life's way of asking us to reexamine our present way of being. These transitions can be predictable, such as a child leaving for college or two people getting married, or they can be unpredictable, such as the sudden death of a loved one or the loss of a job. Whatever the degree or intensity of the event, every transition we experience has one thing in common:

It forces us to make changes to our existing life. 

I have personally been through many transitions in my life, which include relocation to a new country, career changes, and personal loss. Throughout my process, I discovered that by asking for help, sharing my emotions, and connecting with myself and others, I was able to manage, adjust and thrive. As a result of my own process, I am passionate about working with people through transitions and change.


As a Life Coach, I can help you in your journey to accept change and move on in life. Sometimes all we need is a supportive person to guide us through the transitional period. Whether it is a positive change or one that causes grief in our lives, the process is the same. We must first learn to let go of what was and then look at what is and what can be. Life Coaching will provide you with a warm, safe and supportive environment to move through life's transitions.


Change is inevitable, and transitions can be the most difficult experiences in our life, and we must go through them to get to the other side. If we put our heads in the sand and try to ignore or resist these unavoidable changes, we will only prolong them and often times make them harder to endure. When you are unable to work through a transition, it may begin to affect your daily life by causing problems in your relationships or challenges at work, or it may begin to affect you emotionally or physically. These are all signs that it is time to get outside help.


Life transitions can also occur because we find ourselves feeling stuck in a rut. We may have the nagging feeling that something is wrong, although we can't quite put our finger on the reason. Our lives are not going the way we thought they would, and time seems to be passing us by.


I am passionate about working with my clients through their transitions process because I believe that in every transition there is an opportunity for growth, evolution, and transformation. Each transition we encounter offers us the opportunity to learn about our inner strength and enables us to discover what we really want out of life. This period of self-reflection can then lead to self-renewal, growth, and a new phase of a happier life.

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